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Just a quick reminder that the absolute deadline for responses to the Call for Papers for the 2015 ICIC meeting in Vienna is 28 FEBRUARY 2015. If you wish to submit a presentation for consideration, please do so as soon as possible. Details may be sent in the first instance to Christoph Haxel (
We focus on the latest trends in the patent and STI community, such as:
Future role of professional information specialists and providers
Collaboration or data collection via social media
Asian patent and scientific information Patent and scientific information in the cloud
Trends in dissemination of patent information from national and international patent offices
Implications for the information community of mergers and acquisition in the chemical and pharma domains
Experiences in out-sourcing search or data compilation
New devices and new subscription model. Information anywhere anytime, on any device
Impact of new entrants such as Amazon and Google; co-operation, or competition?
Digital workplace of the future for end users and professional users.
Trends in the area of chemical and pharmaceutical information
Innovation and organisation of in-house information services
We focus more on the future and a little less about what is available now.
E’ disponibile la documentazione relativa alla WIPO IP Information Roundtable 2024, la tavola rotonda sui servizi di informazione brevettuale del WIPO, svoltasi lo scorso 3 dicembre 2024.
Si è svolto il 14 giugno 2024 il 41° meeting del SACEPO/PDI, il sotto-comitato del SACEPO che si occupa delle tematiche che riguardano la documentazione e l’informazione brevettuale, a cui AIDB partecipa con un proprio rappresentante.