Online Registration Form

Registration categories and fees

Regular participant €450,00
CEPIUG User Group Member €300,00
Chairman/Speaker €150,00

One-day only special ticket:
a special rate (€. 200,00 for regular participants, €. 150,00 for CEPIUG members) is offered to whom can attend one day only. In this case please indicate below the category (regular participant or CEPIUG member) and the preferred day (Sunday 9, Monday 10 or Tuesday 11)
The participation fees have been established to cover the costs with just a safety margin, the possible revenues will be used to create a fund for the future activity of CEPIUG.

Payment information

After the payment please come back to the registration form to complete the procedure.

By swift to:

Unicredit Banca

ABI:02008 CAB:03284 CIN: L
In the name of AIDB – Associazione Italiana Documentalisti Brevettuali
Purpose: CEPIUG 10°YAC – Company Name


By Credit Card via Paypal to:

Participant name